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vyuka:cviceni:y36sps:semestralky:mandio1 [2009/05/27 17:16] mandio1vyuka:cviceni:y36sps:semestralky:mandio1 [2009/05/27 17:22] (current) mandio1
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 prace je implementovana v jednom davkovem souboru pri interpreter python. Konfirgurace je v prvnich radcich kodu v konstantach FROM, VERSION, apod. prace je implementovana v jednom davkovem souboru pri interpreter python. Konfirgurace je v prvnich radcich kodu v konstantach FROM, VERSION, apod.
-zdrojovy kod aplikace je zde:+zdrojovy kod aplikace je zde: {{:vyuka:cviceni:y36sps:semestralky:snmpcpumeter.tar.gz|}}
-<source lang="python"> +===== Nasazeni ===== 
-#!/usr/bin/python+Pro ilustrace moji prace je hlavnim bodem demonstrace jak s praci pracovat coz ukazuje nasladujici video: 
 +//video se mi neporadilo vlozit na wiki, takze na pozadani zaslu mandio1@fel.cvut.cz// 
- import os, wx, re, threading, time 
- import wx.lib.plot as plot 
- ID_ABOUT = 101 
- ID_EXIT = 110 
- ID_REFRESH = 112 
- TIMER_ID = 100  
- class SnmpGuiClient(wx.Frame): 
- FROM = 'localhost' 
- COMMUNITY = 'public' 
- VERSION = '2c' 
- DATA = [ 
- ('.','red','Users CPU time'), 
- ('.','blue','System CPU time'), 
- ('.','green','Idle CPU time') 
- ] 
- timer = None 
- plotter = None 
- dataQueue = [] 
- def __init__(self,parent,title): 
- self.frame = wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY, title, size = (400,200)) 
- #creating graph  
- plotPanel = wx.Panel(self) 
- plotPanel.SetBackgroundColour("white") 
- vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) 
- plotPanel.SetSizer(vbox) 
- self.plotter = plot.PlotCanvas(plotPanel) 
- vbox.Add(self.plotter, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5)   
- self.plotter.SetSize(size=(300,300)) 
- self.plotter.SetShowScrollbars(True) 
- self.plotter.SetEnableZoom(False)  
- self.plotter.SetEnableGrid(False) 
- self.plotter.SetXSpec(type='none') 
- self.plotter.SetEnableLegend(True) 
- # Creting status bar 
- self.CreateStatusBar() # A StatusBar in the bottom of the window 
- # Setting up the menu. 
- filemenu= wx.Menu() 
- filemenu.Append(ID_ABOUT, "&About"," Information about this program") 
- filemenu.AppendSeparator() 
- filemenu.Append(ID_EXIT,"E&xit"," Terminate the program") 
- actionmenu = wx.Menu() 
- actionmenu.Append(ID_REFRESH, "&Refresh", "Refresh graph") 
- # Creating the menubars. 
- menuBar = wx.MenuBar() 
- menuBar.Append(filemenu,"&File") # Adding the "filemenu" to the MenuBar 
- menuBar.Append(actionmenu,"&Actions") # Adding the "filemenu" to the MenuBar 
- self.SetMenuBar(menuBar)  # Adding the MenuBar to the Frame content. 
- # Start timer 
- self.timer = wx.Timer(self, TIMER_ID) 
- self.timer.Start(self.REFRESH_TIME)  
- wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_ABOUT, self.OnAbout)  
- wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_EXIT, self.OnExit) 
- wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_REFRESH, self.OnRefresh) 
- wx.EVT_TIMER(self, TIMER_ID, self.OnTimer)  
- self.initQueue() 
- self.refresh() 
- self.Centre()   
- self.Show(True) 
- def OnAbout(self,e): 
- d= wx.MessageDialog( self, "A sample editor \n in wxPython","About Sample Editor", wx.OK) 
- d.ShowModal() 
- d.Destroy() 
- def OnExit(self,e): 
- self.Close(True)  
- def OnRefresh(self,e): 
- self.refresh() 
- def OnTimer(self,e): 
- self.refresh()  
- self.timer.Start(self.REFRESH_TIME)  
- def initQueue(self): 
- for i in range(0,len(self.DATA)): 
- self.dataQueue.insert(i,[]); 
- for j in range(0,self.DATA_QUEUE_LENGTH): 
- self.dataQueue[i].insert(j,0); 
- def refresh(self): 
- for i in range(0,len(self.DATA)): 
- self.dataQueue[i].pop(0) 
- self.dataQueue[i].append(self.snmpGetInt(self.DATA[i][0])) 
- self.redrawPlot() 
- def snmpGetInt(self,oid): 
- intRe = re.compile("^.*INTEGER: ([0-9]+)$") 
- cmd = "snmpget -c %s -v %s -O s %s %s" % (self.COMMUNITY,self.VERSION,self.FROM,oid) 
- pipe = os.popen(cmd) 
- return int(intRe.match(pipe.read()).group(1)) 
- def redrawPlot(self): 
- lines = [] 
- for i in range(0,len(self.DATA)): 
- data = [] 
- for j in range(0,self.DATA_QUEUE_LENGTH): 
- data.append((j,self.dataQueue[i][j])); 
- lines.insert(i,plot.PolyLine(data, colour=self.DATA[i][1], width=4,legend=self.DATA[i][2])) 
- gc = plot.PlotGraphics(lines, ('CPU Usage %s' % self.FROM), "", "CPU Usage") 
- self.plotter.Draw(gc, xAxis=(0,self.DATA_QUEUE_LENGTH), yAxis=(0,100)) 
- #Run main loop 
- if __name__ == '__main__': 
- app = wx.PySimpleApp() 
- frame = SnmpGuiClient(None,"SNMP GUI CLIENT")  
- app.MainLoop() 
 ===== Presentace ===== ===== Presentace =====
  • vyuka/cviceni/y36sps/semestralky/mandio1.1243444588.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2009/05/27 17:16
  • by mandio1